We believe that building bonds with those who need help is important when it comes to volunteering. Have a look at some of our long-term projects that we will be hosting regularly!
District-based homeless visit scheme 區制無家者探訪
In order to better understand homeless people, we have initiated this program in partnership with different organisations as well as individuals who are concerned about the issue of homelessness. This program aims to shift away from popular spots where distributions of necessities are done, and discover spots where the homeless people stay at that are rarely seen. We will focus on one district per month through hosting several visits and conducting research.

Second-hand books/toys collection
In order to support the underprivileged kids, we welcome those who wish to donate their second-hand books and toys to LTR. We'll be distributing these necessities to low-income families during our visits to subdivided flats, or wrapping them as gifts during our children workshops (for the unused ones).
*Before donating these necessities, please ensure that they are at least 80% new or if not unused.

Funded by Kids4Kids, we hosted a 6-week program that allowed kids to learn about videography, filming, scripting etc.

The Art Of Debating
In partnership with Save the Children Hong Kong, we hosted a 4-week debate program along with mock debates and follow-up trainings with underprivileged kids.
Given the enthusiastic participation and signups of this program, we will be hosting it again in the near future!